The following meical transcription job opportunity appeared on craigslist recently. Besides the growth experienced by the advertising transcription company, what is even more interesting is the highlighted quote from the American Medical Association. The medical community is undergoing change and the AMA is clearly recommending transcriptionists as the best way to ensure accurate medical records.
Medical Transcriptionists/Scribes (Home-based/Remote U.S.A./Canada)
Medical Transcription is not only ALIVE - but SKYROCKETING at InScribe! Come join the elite of the elite where we do nothing but GROW AND GROW AND GROW! We welcome NEW as well as excellent SEASONED transcriptionists - the "excellent" part is the key.
We are also growing our Remote Scribe program for physician clinics. The AMA said this past week that "Employing medical transcriptionists is the best way to adapt to the new EHR environment"... That means YOU! If you are both excellent and experienced in a particular specialty, we will teach you to become a Remote Scribe.Medical transcription continues to evolve in an ever-changing world. The need for medical transcriptionists continues. What has been whispered to be a dying career has been resurrected.